Legal Evidence In UAE

Disclosure of Documents

What are the documents disclosed from one party to another? What are the rules and regulation for the same?

Each party files the document as per their convince and that is considered as a strong proof. Even though there is no particular inspection in the documentation part there is no special obligations too. However, a party can request the court to impel the opponent party for submitting the written document or paper in his or her possession. In the instances of join documents, opponent based his or her claim on any stage of the lawsuit.

There are certain procedures where court may demand for documents to be provided in electronic form also but there are no limitations based for applying the proof of document

Privileged Documents

The communication between the UAE Advocate and the client are known to be the privileged communication but these conversations are not extended to the legal consultants i.e., a foreign advocate, who can be called on to disclose information by an order of the court. Communication occurred between legal advisor and the client is not considered as a privileged communication because the legal advisor will be known as an employee hired by the client.

The concept of “without prejudice” correspondence is not recognised. Any correspondence marked “without prejudice” and brought into existence expressly for the purpose of forwarding genuine settlement negotiations and can be filed in court. Therefore, usually the settlement negotiations are not documented.

3 thoughts on “Legal Evidence In UAE

  1. hdfilmcehennemi Reply

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